Sunday, March 4, 2012

just another rustic sunday

ahh Sunday ... a day of crockpot creation. this means an easy day of dishwashing for me - woohoo!; not like last night's calgon take me away clean up!
  Into the crockpot went some CSA green kale, carrots, lentils, broth, and seasonings. on went the crockpot for hours and hours. on the stove, some jasmine rice - Chef bought a huge bag like forever ago making it  the go-to grain. the kale crockpot creation was bowled up on a bed of rice and topped with some grated parm. I do like this dish, Jen be me. I like this dish of kale lentils and cheese. ha HA!

next course of course, salad.
  onto that bed of mixed greens from the farmers market, some dollops of goat cheese (creamy and a tad sour, yum!), sliced radish (my power veg), celery (oh the crispness), and some broccoli (wockily). Chef's special soy vinaigrette dressing too. and how could i forget the beet. my favorite way to eat this salad was to take a dollop of cheese, and mush it onto the beet slice with the back of my fork. ahh, a massage for your taste buds! another great thing about salad blends is eating each leaf individually, to hone both your visual identification and tasting skills. We realized that there was a baby red russian kale in this salad blend that we overlooked last night using this method of salad eating. the salad world is quite vast!

kale...the leaf, the green, the legend! i can name 3 species; dinosaur kale (Lacinto kale), green kale, and red kale. kale is so big right now. it has quite a following. there are bumper stickers campaigning its edibility. its at the top of its game: it has even broken through into the chip world! i just hope that this rise to fame is not followed by a plummet. i just hope the day doesn't come where we see kale on the cover of a tabloid featuring a tell-all story - its flirtation with the "dark side" of the agricultural world and addiction to chemical fertilizers and miracle gro...

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