Sunday, March 11, 2012

for those about to BROC ... we salute yOU!

hey how you doin'?

who of you'ts out there from the new yawk-new JERSEY areas don't know what i'm tawkin'bout? broccoli rabe, baby, broccoli rabe!  what better way to welcome back the sunlight than a pasta dish with the BROC!

for those who have yet to experience the broccoli rabe. like you un-Italians, or Boston-metro area residents, I suggest you seek out the broc when it is on sale, Or not, whatever. once you have it, grab your pasta - we had shells, but the standard spaghetti is good too- you'll want to boil some water (2 pots, one for pasta, one for BROC), do a blanch on that BROC and then transfer it into a sauté pan with oil & garlic. after that pasta boils, drain it, and add the pasta to the pan with the BROC. you'll have EYE-talian heaven (esp if you are generous with the gahhhlick) for dinner in less than 20.  if you're into it, add some crumbled up sausage, if that's the way you lean...

welcome back sun! who doesn't love daylight savings, right? is there a such thing as day light savings in Afghanistan? and why are people such disagreeable s.o.b.'s on day light savings, ie. phone calls at 5:30 am from who the heck knows who and door bells at 7:30 am.

baack to the food ...
to end on a happier note, yes of course we had salad tonight, "Goat cheese and beets are like the best combination ever", sayeth the Chef. I concur, Chef! I think we finally finished our 5 green salad blend. i'm going to miss that blend ... but there are more good eats in my future, stay tuned!

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