Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Golabki Galore!

pre-cooked cabbage rolls
before oven time
Are you thinking gah-what?!? Also known as golumpki, or gwumpki, golabki (pronounced however you can sound it out) is stuffed cabbage! Now are you thinking, oh yeah, that's right ... right?

It's a nice old world European meal - golabki being the Polish counterpart - and what better time to eat a cabbage friendly meal than during St. Patty's time.

Please check out the glam shots of Chef's special golabki.

steamy golabki
out of the oven, so steamy!
<pausing for oh's and ah's>

the traditional stuffed cabbage is about 30% ground meat (beef/turkey/pork) and 70% rice - over vice versa depending on the cook.

so what's so special about these golabkis? other than their super fine good looks? Chef, using his skills and vision, crafted a masterpiece. First, he built his pistata = the carrot - onion - garlic in olive oil saute mix. next, using our massive
food processor (its new, and i might be bragging, but just only slightly), the Chef put baby bella mushrooms in for a fine chop. He took that chop and added it to the pistata on the stove; a splah of red wine - oh la la - and finally cooked jasmine rice was added to complete the filling. Chef had blanched a dozen or so cabbage leaves, added the filling, and rolled those babies up. Into the oven with a little stewie tomato topping, and <drum roll> bada boom, bada bing - Golabki for your babki!

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