Saturday, April 14, 2012

move over mamoun's

ya know what I'm talkin' bbout?? falafel, my friend, falafel!

falafel with sprouts
I had this feeling, that if I had ventured out into Baltimore in search of falafel, the super bad breath that comes from eating this sandwich would be in vain. Plus, I fear the disappointed, ripped off, or hustled feelings that would accompany that 'bouquet'. then again, just to be fair, there is a good falafel stand at the Sunday Farmer's Market, but its 8 bucks, and sometimes its pretty darn chintzy and other times is overflowing. There you go, I rest my case - hustled! I'd much rather wrap my chompers around Chef's falafel anyway! Along with the falafel balls, he stuffed green onion, cukey, and our house-sprouted sprout into pita.

Chef-made yogurt sauce, garlic breath good!
And, yes, he made his own yogurt sauce. In addition to the obvious, Chef added dill, sour cream, homemade garlic powder, and S&P. It was quite flavorful & cotton mouth inducing -- ahh, garlic!  Not only do meals like this remind me of how good I have it, but it also solidifies it for me that we don't have to go out and spend money for a fave like falafel...except if I'm in Cape May, I'm totally going back to that place on the beach, they use fava beans in the falafel. Did you read that, Chef? Fava beans.

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